Wednesday, July 17, 2013


অন্যান্য ফ্রিল্যান্সিং সাইটে যে বিষয়টি ম্যাসেজ নামে পরিচিত এখানে তাকে কভার লেটার বলা হয়। ওডেস্কে জবে অ্যাপ্লাই করার সময় Employer বা বায়ারের নিকট যে ম্যাসেজ পাঠানো হয় তাকে কভার লেটার বলা হয়। প্রজেক্টটি পাওয়া না পাওয়া অনেকাংশে নির্ভর করে কভার লেটারের উপর। তাই কভার লেটার সুন্দর ও আকর্ষনীয় হওয়া বাঞ্ছনীয়। কি লিখবেন কভার লেটারে? এই প্রশ্নের সহজ উত্তর হতে পারে- আপনি যখন কোন প্রতিষ্ঠানে আবেদন পত্রে যেমন লিখেন তেমনটি লিখলেই হবে। শুরু করতে পারেন এভাবে- প্রথমে Employer বা বায়ারকে Greetings দিতে শুরু করুন। যেমন- Hello Sir/Madam, Dear Hiring Manager, Have Good Day Sir ইত্যাদি। এরপর আপনার নিজের সম্পর্কে কিছু লিখুন। যেমন- I’m Shariful Islam Sharif from Bangladesh. I’ve 1yrs experience on writing about ............... ইত্যাদি।

এবার জবটি সম্পর্কে কিছু লিখুন। অর্থ্যাৎ জবটির বর্ণনা পড়ে আপনি কি বুঝতে পেরছেন বা আপনি কিভাবে জবটি শেষ করবেন এবং এই ধরণের কোন কাজ করার কোন পূর্ব অভিজ্ঞতা থাকলে সে সম্পর্কে লিখুন। তারপর বিদায় জানিয়ে শেষ কভার লেটার শেষ করুন। ব্যস হয়ে গেল কভার লেটার লেখার কাজ। নিজে উদাহরণ হিসেবে কিছু কভার লেটার দেওয়া হলো-

Dear Sir,
I have experience in website data entry other task easily and having ability to give back to you fine results. I am a student of MBA (Banking & Finance). I always prefer part time jobs. I have good history on oDesk. Hope so you will hire me for this position for better results. Looking forward to work with you.
Your Name goes here

To whom it may concern,
I am a stay-at-home mom and have been searching for online jobs to do while my daughter is in school. I have worked in the administrative field for 5 years and have a diploma in Executive Office Assistant. I have excellent communication skills and English is my first language. I also enjoy typing and researching websites. I am available at any time during the week and my peak hours would be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 8:30 am – 11:30 am.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your Name goes here

Let me introduce me as a hard working data entry professional willing to go that extra mile to achieve the targets set forth. I have excel- lent English skills and proficiency in E-commerce site navigation. I hope would be the right candidate for the current position with you.
Awaiting an affirmative response from your end.
Thanks and Regards,
Your Name goes here
I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Data Entry Assistant & SEO Good English. After carefully reviewing the experience requirements of the job description, I feel that I am a suitable match for the job. I’ve held several data entry positions that entail inputting customer requests, inquire, and tracking codes of products I also perform administrative duties including copying and faxing documents, answering telephones, transferring data, web research and reports to immediate supervisor. I feel that I can add professionalism and accuracy to your current team of professionals. With extensive experience supporting all levels of a department and working directly with external vendors, I take direction well and can complete a heavy workload and complete projects under minimal supervision. If you feel there is a mutual interest, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to learn more about your company, the requirements of the position, and how my qualifications would be a good fit. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
I look forward to Hiring from you soon.
Your Name

Hi, this is Your Name from City and Country. I am confident; I can take up your project and do it with perfection. I have excellent experience in web research, phone research, list building, message retrieving/submission, and mailings. I may be new to with one positive feedback and one ongoing project over 100 hrs. I am sure, I would be an ideal virtual assistant to accomplish your requirements. I will be available on part time basis, you decide the time, and I am there with uninterrupted Internet connection. I have work experience as Administrative Assistant, handling All Business related matters. Strong written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to communicate adverse decisions and differing opinions in a positive, professional manner. Courteous, trustworthy, loyal and respectful. Having sound knowledge of computer applications, software installations, PC Troubleshooting, solutions providing for software maintenance and updates.
Please try me, I will be a handy candidate on long term basis.
I look forward to Hiring from you soon.
Your Name

এখানে দেওয়া কভার লেটার গুলো শুধু নমুনা মাত্র। এগুলো আপনাদের অভিজ্ঞতার জন্য দেওয়া হয়েছে। এগুলো দেখে নিজের পজিশন অনুযায়ী একটি সুন্দর, আকর্ষনীয় এবং মান সম্মত কভার লেটার তৈরি করুন এবং তা দিয়ে বিড করতে থাকুন। সম্পুর্ন কপি পেস্ট করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। আশারাখি এই পোস্টটি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং জগতে আপনাদের চলার পথকে আরও সহজ করবে।
সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ।

কি ভাবে প্রথম কাজ পাবেন ? দেখুন এই খানে

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Friday, July 12, 2013

9 Tips for Brand New Freelancers

As the new year is just around the corner, some of you might resolve to take a step forward into becoming a freelancer. According to what’s been written in the comments at FreelanceSwitch, there are those of you thinking about this.
With the way the economy has been, it wouldn’t be too surprising if the freelancer ranks grow in the next few months. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Build an emergency fund. This not only puts you at ease, it allows creativity to flow. What’s more, you won’t come across desperate to clients. Speaking from past personal experience, which includes both being dirt poor starving and comfortable with some savings, you want to live in the latter situation. (Not meaning to sound facetious.)
While I did manage to write 60 short stories and 900 pages of one computer programming book while I was freshly out of work for the first six months of 2002, as soon as my funds dwindled and I had to borrow money from family, I found it increasingly harder to write anything. (Of course, it didn’t help having to do 10-12 hour shifts of physical labor at crappy wages.)
2. Set a suitable work rate. Actually, set more than one rate, depending on the services you’re offering. You do not necessarily have to set a lower rate than others just because you’re a new freelancer. When deciding on your freelance rates – whether hourly or by the project, you should use a number of factors: your costs, desired profit, your skills and experience, your client, market demand and any others that are relevant to your niche(s).
3. Utilize the Web to the fullest. Most freelancers these days are “web workers,” but not all of them take advantage of the bounty available online. One benefit of running a freelancing business online is that you can bootstrap it with a blog/ website and social media sites for promotion. There’s also an incredible amount of free software for your operations, invoicing, managing finances, brainstorming (mind mapping) and more.
4. Choose the optimal work environment. Not everyone wants to work at home (to avoid lonely freelancer syndrome) or an office (expensive). You might consider using one of the many coworking spaces that are popping in larger towns and cities. They’re less expensive than an office and less lonely than working at home.
5. Network frequently. Personal referrals are the lifeblood of freelance work – at least while you’re starting up and developing your reputation. There are numerous resourcesfor networking, both online and offline. Utilize friends at social media sites such as LinkedIn or Facebook, as well as people you know in person.
6. Track your performance. A successful freelancer tracks not just receipts and finances but performance, attitudes, skills, trends and more. Determine how quickly projects are being completed and your effective rate per hour. Then brainstorm ways to improve your work efficiency and thus your effective hourly rate. Just keep in mind that improving performance does not mean cutting corners. 
7. Broaden your freelance offering. When you’ve achieved a daily work flow that you are comfortable with, consider expanding your services. Regardless of the type of freelance work you do, you’re probably capable of offering other content, including diagrams, screen snaps, slideshows, podcasts, screencasts, and more. At the very least, plan in the first year what you would like to offer in the second year of business.
8. Breakdown. If you do start taking on an additional work, big projects might be part of that. My casual conversation with  some freelancers suggests that a few might be secretly hoping NOT to get a large project. This type of work does come with more responsibility, but are far less intimidating when you break them down into parts and tackle them step by step. Outsource to other freelancers the work you’re not capable of doing well and/or in a timely fashion.
9. Outsource. As your freelance business grows, if you get to the point where you cannot accept all the work, consider outsourcing to other freelancers instead of turning the work down. If you’re a good “people person” and can manage other freelancers remotely, outsource could be a great business decision – especially if it allows you to expand your service offering.
One final tip: Remember that tough times come and go. Use that as a motivator to take advantage of the ebb and flow nature that freelancing work is regularly subject to. [Deal with what you can], don’t worry about what you cannot change, and plan for everything else.
Have you been freelancing for a while? Do you have any tips for new freelancers that you’d like to share?

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